North American Breeds

American Yak (Critical)

Milking Devon (Critical)

Randall or Randall Lineback (Critical)

Texas Longhorn CTLR – Cattleman’s Texas Longhorn Registry (Critical)

Corriente (Threatened)

Florida Cracker (Threatened)

Pineywoods (Threatened)

Chirikof Island (Study)

Criollo Chihuahua (Study)

Breeds Imported Before 1900

Dutch Belted (Critical)

Heritage Shorthorn – Native (Threatened) Milking Shorthorns that qualify for the “Native” designation are identified as pure, old line, dual purpose Milking Shorthorns, by the AMSS office.

Red Poll (Threatened)

Guernsey (Watch)

Dexter (Recovering)

Galloway (Recovering)

Red Devon (Recovering)

Breeds Imported After 1900

Kerry (Critical)

Lincoln Red (Critical)

Ankole-Watusi (Recovering)

North American Breeds

Holland (Critical)

Cubalaya (Critical)

Java (Critical)

New Hampshire (Threatened)

Buckeye (Watch)

Chantecler (Watch)

Dominique (Watch)

Rhode Island White (Watch)

Delaware (Recovering)

Jersey Giant (Recovering)

Breeds Imported Before 1900

Booted Bantam (Critical)

La Flèche (Critical)

Malay (Critical)

Redcap (Critical)

White-Faced Black Spanish (Critical)

Campine (Threatened)

Dorking (Threatened)

Hamburg (Threatened)

Houdan (Threatened)

Langshan (Threatened)

Modern Game (Threatened)

Sultan (Threatened)

Sumatra (Threatened)

Ancona (Watch)

Andalusian (Watch)

Belgian Bearded D’uccle Bantam (Watch)

Cochin (Watch)

Cornish (Watch)

Crèvecoeur (Watch)

Minorca (Watch)

Sebright (Watch)

Leghorn – Non-Industrial (Recovering)

Polish (Recovering)

Breeds Imported After 1900

Aseel (Critical)

Catalana (Critical)

Shamo (Critical)

Buttercup (Threatened)

Icelandic (Threatened)

Japanese Bantam (Threatened)

Lakenvelder (Threatened)

Nankin (Threatened)

Russian Orloff (Threatened)

Yokohama (Threatened)

Faverolles (Watch)

Old English Game (Watch)

Phoenix (Watch)

Spitzhauben (Watch)

Sussex (Recovering)

Araucana (Study)

Saipan (Study)

North American Breeds

Breeds Imported Before 1900

Breeds Imported After 1900

Poitou (Critical)

Miniature Donkey (Watch)

North American Breeds

Australian Spotted (Critical)

Ancona (Watch)

Cayuga (Watch)

Breeds Imported Before 1900

Breeds Imported After 1900

Dutch Hookbill (Critical)

Magpie (Threatened)

Saxony (Threatened)

Silver Appleyard (Watch)

Campbell (Watch)

Swedish (Watch)

North American Breeds

Cotton Patch (Threatened)

Pilgrim (Threatened)

American Buff (Watch)

Breeds Imported Before 1900

Pomeranian (Critical)

Sebastopol (Threatened)

African (Watch)

Breeds Imported After 1900

Roman (Critical)

Shetland (Critical)

Steinbacher (Critical)

Gray (Study)

North American Breeds

San Clemente Island (Critical)

Myotonic or Tennessee

Spanish (Recovering)

Breeds Imported Before 1900

Breeds Imported After 1900

Arapawa (Critical)

Oberhasli (Recovering)

North American Breeds

American Cream (Critical)

Banker1 (Critical)

Canadian (Critical)

Colonial Spanish (Critical)
Baca-Chica (Critical)
Choctaw (Critical)
Santa Cruz (Critical)
Sulphur (Critical)
Wilbur-Cruce (Critical)
Includes several different registries, each with somewhat different goals (SMR, SSMA, SBHA, AIHR, HOA). Under this umbrella some strains have independent conservation programs and are noted individually.

Florida Cracker1 (Critical)


Marsh Tacky1 (Critical)

Newfoundland Pony (Critical)

Rocky Mountain /
Mountain Pleasure (Threatened)

Puerto Rican Paso Fino (Threatened)

Belgian (Recovering)

Each of these breeds has an independent, stand-alone registry and conservation program. Each has also contributed to the Colonial Spanish breed.

Breeds Imported Before 1900

Cleveland Bay (Critical)

Hackney Horse (Critical)

Shire (Critical)

Suffolk (Critical)

Clydesdale (Threatened)

Breeds Imported After 1900

Caspian (Critical)

Dales Pony (Critical)

Dartmoor (Critical)

Exmoor (Critical)

Fell Pony (Critical)

Highland Pony (Critical)

Akhal-Teke (Threatened)

Gotland (Threatened)

Irish Draught (Threatened)

Lipizzan (Threatened)

Brabant (Study)

North American Breeds

Choctaw (Critical)

Mulefoot (Critical)

Ossabaw Island (Critical)

Guinea Hog (Threatened)

Red Wattle (Threatened)

Breeds Imported Before 1900

Tamworth (Recovering)

Breeds Imported After 1900

Large Black (Critical)

Gloucestershire Old Spots (Threatened)

Meishan (Threatened)

North American Breeds

Palomino (Watch)

Silver Fox (Recovering)

Silver Marten (Recovering)

Breeds Imported Before 1900

Beveren (Watch)

Belgian Hare (Recovering)

Breeds Imported After 1900

Blanc de Hotot (Threatened)

Silver (Threatened)

Standard Chinchilla (Threatened)

Lilac (Watch)

Rhinelander (Recovering)

North American Breeds

Florida Cracker (Critical)

Gulf Coast or Gulf Coast Native (Critical)

Hog Island (Critical)

Navajo-Churro (Critical)

Santa Cruz (Critical)

Jacob – American (Threatened)

Karakul – American (Threatened)

Romeldale/CVM (Threatened)

Barbados Blackbelly (Watch)

St. Croix (Watch)

Tunis (Watch)

Breeds Imported Before 1900

Cotswold (Threatened)

Dorset Horn (Threatened)

Lincoln (Threatened)

Oxford (Watch)

Shropshire (Watch)

Breeds Imported After 1900

Teeswater (Critical)

Black Welsh Mountain (Threatened)

Clun Forest (Threatened)

Leicester Longwool (Threatened)

Soay – British (Threatened)

Wiltshire Horn (Watch)

Shetland (Recovering)

North American Breeds

Beltsville Small White (Threatened)

White Holland (Threatened)

Black (Watch)

Bourbon Red (Watch)

Royal Palm (Watch)

Slate (Watch)

Standard Bronze (Watch)

Narragansett (Watch)

All Other Varieties that are distinct, but not APA recognized including Chocolate, Jersey Buff, Lavender, Midget White, and other distinct color varieties. Does not include broad-breasted varieties because they are not endangered. (Watch)

Breeds Imported Before 1900

Breeds Imported After 1900

Endangered Categories

Critical: Breeds with fewer than 200 annual registrations in the United States and an estimated global population of less than 500. For rabbits, fewer than 50 annual registrations in the U.S., estimated global population less than 500, fewer than 150 recorded at rabbit shows in the previous 5 years, and 10 or fewer breeders. For poultry, fewer than 500 birds in the U.S., with five or fewer primary breeding flocks (50 birds or more), and an estimated global population less than 1,000.

Threatened: Breeds with fewer than 1,000 annual registrations in the United States and an estimated global population of less than 5,000. For rabbits, fewer than 100 annual registrations in the U.S., and estimated global population less than 1,000, fewer than 300 recorded at rabbit shows in the previous 5 years, and 11-30 breeders. For poultry, fewer than 1,000 breeding birds in the U.S., with seven or fewer primary breeding flocks, and an estimated global population less than 5,000.

Watch: Breeds that present genetic or numerical concerns or have a limited geographic distribution, with fewer than 2,500 annual registrations in the United States, and an estimated global population less than 10,000. For rabbits, fewer than 200 annual registrations in the U.S., estimated global population less than 2,000, fewer than 500 recorded at rabbit shows in the previous 5 years, and 31-60 breeders. For poultry, fewer than 5,000 breeding birds in the U.S., with 10 or fewer primary breeding flocks, and an estimated global population less than 10,000.

Recovering: Breeds once listed in another category, but have exceeded Watch category numbers and still need monitoring. For rabbits, more than 500 recorded at rabbit shows in the previous 5 years and more than 60 breeders.

Study: Breeds that require further research to learn whether their history, genetic integrity, global status, and U.S. numbers merit listing on the Conservation Priority List. This step is necessary to clearly target The Livestock Conservancy’s conservation efforts toward breeds that not only require conservation, but can also benefit from our conservation efforts. Breeds in this category are only listed online.
