- *New* Release: Advanced Reproductive Technologies for Equine Breed Conservation
- 2021-22 Microgrants Awarded
- 2022-23 Microgrants Awarded
- 2023 Conservation Priority List Released
- A Beginning Farmer Who Strives to Be ‘In the Red’
- A Brief History of Goat Domestication
- Artists Flock to Build a Better Wool Market
- As Threats to Biodiversity Continue, New Breeds Added to Endangered Livestock List
- Bio Banking: A Valuable Livestock Conservation Tool
- Breed Conservation Strategies
- Buff Geese: Long on “personalities”
- Celebrating a Century of Exmoor Ponies
- Celebrating International Heritage Breeds Week
- Celebrating One Year of Shave ‘Em to Save ‘Em
- Chicks in the Classroom Moves Online
- Conner Prairie’s Focus: Education and Preservation
- Conservation Strategies for Sustainable Livestock Production
- Count Me In: The Livestock Conservancy Launches First American Poitou Census
- Counting Your Chickens … Ducks, Geese, and Turkeys After They Hatch
- Donkeys at Work: Composting with American Mammoth Jackstocks
- Dr. Temple Grandin on the Importance of Heritage Breeds
- Farm to Fashion: Heritage Breeds & Sustainable Fashion
- Gifts for the Duck (or Chicken) Lover in Your Life
- Handcrafted Heritage Breed Gifts
- Handcrafted Heritage Breed Gifts
- Heritage Breed Youth Education
- Heritage Turkeys Measure UP: Part I
- Hope Amid the Flames: Notre Dame’s Rooster
- How 21st Century Technology Saved an Old Goose: Cotton Patch Conservation
- How I Fell in Love…with American Guinea Hogs
- How to Shear Sheep & Why It’s Important
- International Group of Domesticated Poultry Experts Meet to Prevent Decline of Rare Breeds
- International Heritage Breeds Week – May 21-27, 2023
- International Heritage Breeds Week 2017
- International Heritage Breeds Week 2018
- International Heritage Breeds Week Kicks Off with a Graduation and a Stamp
- Landmark Piglets Ready to Hog the Spotlight
- Livestock Diversity for Food Security
- Market Your Farm with Storytelling
- Marketing Monday Facebook Live Series
- Member Spotlight: Blue Mojo Farm
- Microgrants Awarded to Rare Breed Livestock and Poultry Farmers
- New Reports: Loss of Breeds Threatens Food Supply, Ability to Adapt
- New Study Determines Ancestry for White Plymouth Rock Chickens
- Our Myotonic Moment: Marketing Meat Goats
- Queen Elizabeth II: A Life of Conservation
- Raising Rabbits for Meat
- Raising Rare Rabbits: How Youth Can Contribute to Conservation
- Rare Breed Specialty Shows Promote Rabbit Conservation
- Register for the Live Webinar Series
- Selecting heritage breed wool for fiber projects
- Serving Breed Associations to Save Rare Breeds
- The American Morgan Horse
- The Livestock Conservancy Awards 2023-24 Microgrants
- The Livestock Conservancy Releases Annual Conservation Priority List
- The Long Way Up The Mountain: Santa Cruz Island Sheep and Fire Mitigation
- Unbelievable: From turkey rookie to Champion Turkey in four years
- What are Heritage Breeds?
- American Rabbit
- Ancona Chicken
- Andalusian Chicken
- Argente Brun Rabbit
- Australian Spotted Duck
- Australorp chicken
- Barbados Blackbelly Sheep
- Belgian Bearded D'uccle Bantam
- Beltsville Small White Turkey
- Beveren Rabbit
- Black Turkey
- Blanc de Hotot Rabbit
- Blog Page
- Booted Bantam Chicken
- Brahma Chicken
- Buckeye Chicken
- Buttercup Chicken
- Campine Chicken
- Checkered Giant Rabbit
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- Classifieds
- Classifieds
- Classifieds
- Common Health Concerns and Diseases for Pastured Pigs
- Contact Us
- Cornish Chicken
- Corriente Cattle
- Creme de Argent Rabbit
- Crevecoeur Chicken
- Cultivating Leadership in Breed Organizations Training - Module 3 Resources
- Delaware Chicken
- Donate - Special Campaigns
- Enterprise Budget for Heritage Swine
- Get Involved
- Cultivating Leadership
- Cultivating Leadership in Breed Organizations Training - Module 1 Resources
- Cultivating Leadership in Breed Organizations Training - Module 2 Resources
- Cultivating Leadership in Breed Organizations Training - Module 4 Resources
- Cultivating Leadership in Breed Organizations Training - Module 5 Resources
- Cultivating Leadership in Breed Organizations Training - Module 6 Resources
- Cultivating Leadership in Breed Organizations Training - Module 7 Resources
- cultivating leadership in breed organizations training module 9 resources
- Cultivating Leadership Training – Module 8 Resources
- Events Calendar
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- Promote Conservation
- Shave 'em to Save 'em
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- Ways to Give
- Cultivating Leadership
- Giant Chinchilla Rabbit
- Hereford Hog
- Heritage Breed Marketplace
- Heritage Breed Marketplace
- Heritage Breeds
- Heritage Cattle Definition
- Heritage Cattle FAQ
- Heritage Chicken Definition
- Heritage Goats
- Heritage Sheep
- Heritage Swine Definition
- Heritage Turkey Definition
- Home
- Houdan Chicken
- Jacob - American Sheep
- Japanese Bantam Chicken
- Jersey Giant Chicken
- Karakul - American Sheep
- Keys to Cost Management
- Listing Form
- Listings
- Livestock Conservancy News
- March 2023 Cubalaya Chicken Membership Promotion
- Marketing Your Heritage Pork Products
- Marketplace
- McMurray National Poultry Census
- Meishan Pig
- Member Area
- Membership & Subscribers II
- Minorca Chicken
- My Account
- Old English Game Chicken
- Part I: Heritage Dairy Breeds
- Polish Chicken
- Resources
- Rhinelander Rabbit
- Rhode Island White
- Romeldale/CVM Sheep
- Royal Palm Turkey
- San Clemente Island Goat
- Sebright Chicken
- Silver Appleyard Duck
- Silver Marten Rabbit
- Silver Rabbit
- Sitemap
- Slate Turkey
- Southdown Sheep
- Spanish Goat
- Spitzhauben Chicken
- Sultan Chicken
- Swine Insemination
- Tamworth Pig
- Update My Info
- Yokohama Chicken
- 2016 CPL Changes
- 2017 CPL Changes
- 2018 CPL Changes
- 2019 CPL Changes
- 2020 CPL Changes
- African Goose
- Akhal-Teke Horse
- American Buff Goose
- American Chinchilla Rabbit
- American Cream Horse
- American Mammoth Jackstock
- Ancient White Park Cattle
- Ancona Duck
- Ankole-Watusi Cattle
- Arapawa Goat
- Aseel Chicken
- Aylesbury Duck
- Ayrshire Cattle
- Belgian Hare
- Belgian Horse
- Belted Galloway Cattle
- Black Welsh Mountain Sheep
- Bourbon Red Turkey
- Brabant Horse
- Buff or Orpington Duck
- Canadian Horse
- Caspian Horse
- Catalana Chicken
- Cayuga Duck
- Chantecler Chicken
- Chinese Goose
- Chirikof Island Cattle
- Choctaw Hog
- Cleveland Bay Horse
- Clun Forest Sheep
- Clydesdale Horse
- Cochin Chicken
- Colonial Spanish Horse
- Cotswold Sheep
- Cotton Patch Goose
- Cubalaya Chicken
- Dales Pony
- Dartmoor Pony
- Dexter Cattle
- Dominique chicken
- Dorking Chicken
- Dorset Horn Sheep
- Dutch Belted Cattle
- Dutch Hookbill Duck
- Exmoor Pony
- Faverolles Chicken
- Fell Pony
- Florida Cracker Cattle
- Florida Cracker Sheep
- Galiceno Horse
- Galloway Cattle
- Gloucestershire Old Spots Pig
- Gotland Horse
- Guernsey Cattle
- Guinea Hog
- Gulf Coast or Gulf Coast Native Sheep
- Hackney Horse
- Hamburg Chicken
- Heritage Shorthorn (Native)
- Highland Pony
- Hog Island Sheep
- Holland Chicken
- How is the annual CPL Determined?
- Icelandic Chicken
- Irish Draught Horse
- Java Chicken
- Jersey Buff Turkey
- Kerry Cattle
- Khaki Campbell Duck
- La Fleche Chicken
- Lakenvelder Chicken
- Langshan Chicken
- Large Black Pig
- Large Fowl American Game
- Leghorn - Non Industrial - Chicken
- Leicester Longwool Sheep
- Lilac Rabbit
- Lincoln Red
- Lincoln Sheep
- Lipizzan Horse
- Magpie Duck
- Malay Chicken
- Manx Rumpy or Persian Rumpless Chicken
- Milking Devon Cattle
- Miniature Donkey
- Modern Game
- Mountain Pleasure Horse
- Mulefoot Hog
- Myotonic or Tennessee Fainting Goat
- Nankin Chicken
- Narragansett Turkey
- Navajo Churro Sheep
- New Hampshire Chicken
- Newfoundland Pony
- North American Yak
- Oberhasli Goat
- Ossabaw Island Hog
- Oxford Sheep
- Palomino Rabbit
- Phoenix Chicken
- Pilgrim Goose
- Pineywoods Cattle
- Plymouth Rock Chicken
- Poitou Ass
- Pomeranian Goose
- Puerto Rican Paso Fino
- Randall or Randall Lineback
- Red Devon Cattle
- Red Poll Cattle
- Red Wattle Hog
- Redcap Chicken
- Rhode Island Red - Non Industrial Chicken
- Rocky Mountain Horse
- Roman Goose
- Rouen - Non-Industrial Duck
- Runner or Indian Runner Duck
- Russian Orloff Chicken
- Santa Cruz Sheep
- Saxony Duck
- Sebastopol Goose
- Shamo Chicken
- Shetland Goose
- Shetland Sheep
- Shire Horse
- Shropshire Sheep
- Silver Fox Rabbit
- Soay-British Sheep
- Spanish Chicken
- St Croix Sheep
- Standard Bronze
- Standard Chinchilla Rabbit
- Steinbacher
- Suffolk Horse
- Sumatra Chicken
- Sussex Chicken
- Swedish Duck
- Teeswater
- Texas Longhorn Cattle (CTLR)
- Toulouse (Dewlap) Goose
- Tunis Sheep
- Welsh Harlequin Duck
- White Holland Turkey
- Wiltshire Horn Sheep