Tiffany Taylor, a 2022-2023 Recipient Talks About Her Microgrant
How to Apply for a Microgrant
- 2024 applications are now closed
- Judging, September – October
- Winner notification and grant contract submissions, November – December
- Public announcement of winners, January
Microgrant Categories:
- National Microgrants: This category is open to residents and organizations of the U.S. who are actively working with livestock and poultry breeds listed on the Conservation Priority List (CPL). Support will be provided through this competitive program for improvements to a variety of farm-related operations, including, but not limited to, livestock, poultry, infrastructure, processing equipment or services, milk, meat, wool and egg production and sales, agritourism, promotions and marketing. Awards typically range from $500 – $2,000, at the discretion of The Livestock Conservancy. A fencing-related project in this category is sponsored by Premier 1 Supplies.
- Youth Microgrants: This U.S.-based program provides funding for youth projects for individuals 12-18 years of age who are actively working with breeds listed on the CPL. Support will be provided through this competitive program for a farm-related operations similar to the National microgrants. Awards range from $500 – $2,000, at the discretion of The Livestock Conservancy.
- Breed Association Microgrants: This program is open to U.S. based associations and clubs working with breeds listed on The Livestock Conservancy’s CPL. Funds are intended to help associations and clubs improve services for their membership and conservation of their breeds. Awards are typically made to organizations in existence for at least three years, meet their state’s requirements for operating as a business or corporation (no Sole Proprietors or Partnerships), and have board approval to pursue the project. Suitable expenditures of Breed Association Microgrants include, but are not limited to, marketing materials, website improvements, gene banking, software, educational events, developing strategic plans, DNA studies, flock or herd rescues.
- Emergency Response Fund/Emergency Response Feed Grant: Through the generous contributions of grantors and private individuals, funding for emergency assistance may be available on a case by case basis, to rare breed stewards and organizations. Occasionally The Livestock Conservancy is alerted to situations where genetically important animals (individuals or groups) are in danger of being lost to the breed due to environmental catastrophe, global crisis, or owner death or disability. In some of these situations it is appropriate for The Livestock Conservancy to provide assistance to assure that they are not lost to the breed. These funds are for emergencies only and it will be up to the discretion of The Livestock Conservancy to determine if the project meets our conservation mission. Once an application is received, the genetic importance of the animal or group will be examined through pedigree research or historical records, by The Livestock Conservancy staff or experts it designates. This will help determine whether or not the loss of the animals to the breed is a threat to the genetic integrity of the breed. Project focus must be with breeds listed on the CPL. Funds may be used for animal transportation, short term housing, and in some cases short term feed, veterinary care, and infrastructure. Awards will typically be in the range of $500 – $1,000 per application and at the discretion of The Livestock Conservancy. Emergency Response Fund applications will be available as funding allows. Apply here.
For full consideration, applicants must:
- Currently works with livestock, poultry, or products from purebed animals on The Livestock Conservancy’s Conservation Priority List of heritage breeds (CPL). Strong preference is given to applicants who are already raising the species and breed described in the project, to maximize the conservation impact of microgrants
- Complete the application, including a detailed plan for the use of the grant funds, project goals and methods, a clear timeline for achieving proposed goals, a detailed project budget, how the project will impact both the breed and other producers, and how you will evaluate success.
- Include two letters of recommendation from a professional relationship or educator. If the applicant is under 18, a letter of support from a parent or guardian is also required. These can be attached within the online application as a PDF, MS Word, or JPEG file. Letters may not be requested of or provided by current staff or board members of The Livestock Conservancy.
- Microgrant recipients are required to submit a written report and pictures or videos showing the use and impact of the microgrant funds within one year of accepting the award.
- Special consideration will be given to farmers who are active members of their breed association, those who are active participants or mentors in their agricultural communities or farm organizations, and farmers who will represent The Livestock Conservancy at local events by displaying heritage animals during the year following receipt of the microgrant.
Start planning your project to save rare and endangered livestock breeds from extinction!
Microgrant applicants will need to register for an account within the microgrants system. Note that this is NOT connected to a Livestock Conservancy membership account. This is a new account just for submitting microgrant applications.
Please contact Jberanger@LivestockConservancy.org or (919) 542-5704 with questions.
Please note, current employees and Directors of The Livestock Conservancy and their spouses are not eligible for the microgrants program, nor may they be used for letters of recommendation. Qualified applicants will be considered without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy, gender identity, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status.
If you would like to help fund microgrants or other initiatives, please contact Karena Elliott, Development Director at (806) 570-0874 or at Kelliott@LivestockConservancy.org.