1. Bequests
If you want to leave a bequest to The Livestock Conservancy, it is important to schedule a meeting with your attorney to add the correct legal language when you update your will. The Livestock Conservancy should be named as:
The Livestock Conservancy, Inc., tax ID #03-0270281, a nonprofit corporation established under the laws of the State of Vermont, with principal business address of 33 Hillsboro Street, Pittsboro, North Carolina, 27312.
2. Stock Gifts
Stock gifts offer you an excellent opportunity for a tax deduction. The transfer of appreciated stock may allow you to avoid the capital gains taxes you might have to pay if you sold it. Please contact us for more information.
3. Life Insurance
If you have a life insurance policy, you can name The Livestock Conservancy as the beneficiary or co-beneficiary of your policy. Your insurance agent can help you with the paperwork.
4. Retirement Accounts
The Livestock Conservancy can be named as the beneficiary or co-beneficiary of your retirement account(s). Heirs (other than a spouse) pay significant income taxes on inherited retirement accounts, so making a gift to The Livestock Conservancy from your retirement accounts can help limit these taxes. To do this, you can request a “change of beneficiary form” from your retirement account administrator.
5. Gifts of Real Estate or Personal Property
You can deed your home(s), undeveloped property, or a commercial building to The Livestock Conservancy. In addition, valuable items, such as automobiles, antiques, artwork, and jewelry, can be bequeathed to a worthy charity – like The Livestock Conservancy.
6. Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Gift Annuities
A charitable remainder trust or a charitable gift annuity is an arrangement in which a donor’s assets provide a regular income stream to the donor until that income is no longer needed. Then the assets of the trust or annuity are passed on to a charity like The Livestock Conservancy.
7. Charitable Lead Trusts
A charitable lead trust is designed to reduce the donor or their heirs’ taxable income by first donating a portion of the trust’s income to a charity. After a specified period of time, the remainder of the trust goes to the donor or their heirs. This plan reduces estate taxes by donating to charities from the estate until the taxable amount is reduced, then transferring the estate back to the beneficiaries.
8. Memorial Gifts
You or your friends can designate The Livestock Conservancy as the beneficiary of memorial gifts to honor a person’s commitment to rare breed conservation. The following suggests how this may be listed in obituaries: “Contributions may be made in _________’s memory to The Livestock Conservancy, P.O. Box 477, Pittsboro, NC 27312, or online at www.livestockconservancy.org.”
If you would like to give a gift “in memory of” please visit our memorial giving page.