Cultivating Leadership Training – Module 4 Resources

Re-Watch Module 4 Training Webinar

More Resources

Conflict of Interest Statements and Policies

Suspending/Expelling Members
Power Of Organization To Suspend Or Expel Members – Organizations (

Locating an Attorney/Lawyer
American Bar Association (ABA) Lawyer Referral Service – The ABA offers links to local bar associations that offer referral services. It also lists pro bono options and other information. If you prefer, the same service is available through their toll-free number: 800-285-2221.
Web Site:

Reasonable Compensation for Board Members

Board Roles, Responsibilities and Recruitment

Online Voting Services

Paper Voting
The Livestock Conservancy will receive and count paper ballots as a free service to all breed organizations representing Conservation Priority List breeds. Some online voting services (above) will also receive and count mailed in votes for a fee.

Robert’s Rules of Order

Amending By-Laws