Heritage Turkey Manual
So you want to raise Heritage Turkeys. You have heard about their great flavor, their healthy immune systems, and their perfect fit for pasture-based production. But where do you turn for good information on Heritage turkey production? Most of the currently available information on turkey husbandry has been written primarily for the industrial Broad Breasted turkey, and the books written for the Heritage – or Standard – turkeys are out of print. Though some information in the modern publications apply, the differences are critical to the health and management of Heritage turkeys. For instance, Heritage turkeys fly – so how do you keep them home? They have different nutritional needs, which if not met can stunt their growth and your financial return. The list goes on.
The Livestock Conservancy has developed a modern manual for Heritage turkeys. It pulls together the best of the historic production information appropriate for Heritage turkeys and the best of modern health management. It addresses production from poult to processing, and marketing from packaging to distribution. If you want more information, the end of each chapter contains a rich resource list. Click here to purchase a copy.
The complete manual is available for download below. Copies can also be purchased through the Livestock Conservancy store.
Thanks to the many people who contributed to this manual, and especially to the Southern Region SARE Professional Development Program for funding this important project.
With best wishes to you as you explore pasture-rearing Heritage Turkeys!
.PDF Downloads:
•Chapter 1. Choosing a Variety and Obtaining Poults
•Chapter 2. Brooding and Brooder Pens
•Chapter 4. Feeds and Feeding of Free Range Turkeys
•Chapter 5. Common Diseases and Aliments of Turkeys and Their Management
•Chapter 6. Facilities, Shelters, and Fencing
•Chapter 7. Health Promotion and Biosecurity
•Chapter 8. Protecting Heritage Turkeys from Predators
•Chapter 9. Processing and Marketing Regulations
•Chapter 10. Value-added Considerations, Alternative Farming Systems, and Labeling
•Chapter 11. Promotion, Field Days, and Tastings
•Chapter 12. Connecting with Consumers – Marketing Systems and Effective Approaches
•Chapter 13. Economics of Heritage Turkey Production on Range
To purchase a copy click here
Selecting Your Best Turkeys for Breeding
As part of its Master Breeder program, The Livestock Conservancy has worked with several renowned turkey breeders to develop these materials on Selecting Your Best Turkeys for Breeding. Learn from the experts how to select and evaluate birds. By preserving and codifying this knowledge, we can help conserve these birds for the next generation.
•Chapter 1 – The Definition and History of the Heritage Turkey
•Chapter 2 – Proper Conformation of the Birds
•Chapter 3 – Evaluating Breeding Stock
•Chapter 4 – Preparing for Your First Year of Breeding
To purchase a copy click here.